Jams This is your brain on Jams


Susie woke up with horrific back pain from lying on the counter. She sits up, groaning, and comes to her feet. She notices that Ralsei is still sound asleep on the warm carpeted floor, with his scarf balled up under his head as a pillow.

Susie nudges Ralsei a couple of times with a broom.

"Where do you think he is?" asks Susie.

"...who?" Ralsei replies, his glasses tilted at an angle on his face from sleeping.

"Kris!" Susie shouts.

"I don't know..." Ralsei says, standing up slowly and stretching as he wraps the scarf gently and carefully around his neck.

He realigns his glasses on his face and brushes his fuzzy cheeks down. He shakes his head and wipes his eyes.

"OK, we get it! You're tired!" Susie says.

"..I do this every morning." Ralsei responds, sleepy. "Could you carry me?"

"...What?" Susie asks.

"Could you, I don't know, like... give me a piggyback ride? My legs hurt."

"Ralsei... I slept on the counter."

"I thought you were fine with that. It was your choice, after all..."

"Ralsei. I slept on the fucking counter."

"...good for you...?"

"MY EVERYTHING HURTS!" she shouts.

Kris sits in a comfy kitchen chair across from the Other Toriel, who is sipping coffee and filing numbers into cells in a Lotus spreadsheet. Every once in a while, Kris drifts off and is quickly awoken by the rapid, enthusiastic clicking of the printer writing lines and numbers onto a new piece of paper, which she rips off and sticks into a binder.

"So..." she asks. "You don't know where your mom is?"

Kris shakes their head 'no' gently.


Kris interrupts. "I can't get there."

"Well if you got here, why can't you get back?"

Kris shrugs. "I don't know where I am."

"Who is your mom?" Toriel asks.

"Toriel." Kris responds, staring her dead in the eyes.

"That's... me!" she says. "Who is... your mom?"

Kris squints a little bit and leans back.


"You seem a bit confused, sweetie." she says. "I'm... not your mom."

Kris shrugs. "Do.. you know her?" they ask.

"I can't say I know another Toriel. Does she look like me, too?"

Kris nods.


Kris nods again.

"Small world."

Kris raises their hand to reply, but decides that words are too hard right now.

Susie and Ralsei enter the Lab: room 271. They notice 4 computer monitors, (one on its side, to be used in portait orientation) and one large television screen. There is only one keyboard for all 4 monitors and further inspection reveals a modem beneath the desk. The desk has a few drawers, but all of them are locked. Beneath the desk is a locked hatch.

"So... Susie?" Ralsei asks. "Can you... use your... ability?"

"Sure thing!" Susie yells before nudging Ralsei out of the small office. She begins frantically kicking the drawers, shouting and prying the metal apart until she can finally rip a drawer out of the desk. She drops it onto the floor with a large metallic clang and holds a key out for Ralsei.

Ralsei, nervous, grabs the key. "Hey, Susie... you're bleeding again."

"Dammit." she says, sucking the blood.

"Gross..." Ralsei says. "Hey, how about you don't eat any more moss? I don't want you getting infected."

"Oh, good point! We should find some moss."

She takes the key back from Ralsei and jams it into the small keyhole on the hatch. She opens it and a small crawlspace is revealed underneath, with a simple twist-lock on the inside.

"Why didn't I just beat the shit out of this?" Susie asks.

"...Because there might have been something useful in it?"

"I guess."

The two climb into the dank concrete crawlspace and notice a light at the end. They begin crawling towards the light, noting how solid the ground below feels even though they're on the 2nd story of a building. Eventually, they come to a slope. Susie slides down head-first. Behind her, Ralsei carefully re-orients himself to slide down feet-first.

They end up in another slightly bigger small office with almost the same setup as back up the ramp, only with a segment of the desk missing with a small door behind it. A large flourescent light that seems to tint the room green flickers overhead.

"OK, so this is definitely where they played video games instead of working." Susie says.

Opening the door, Ralsei steps through slowly to discover that it leads to a fenced-off area with a couple of dumpsters, a recycling bin, and boxes of shredded paper. The ground clearly used to be grassy, but is worn to dirt by the junk and the amount of foot traffic that used to come through. Thankfully, there is a large bounty of moss besides the dumpster.

Susie thanks God.

Ralsei scoops some up reluctantly, and drops it in between his lips. Slowly, he chews.

"You're not supposed to chew." Susie says.

"...You're not supposed to eat moss." Ralsei rebuts.

"It's not actually that bad." Ralsei says, clearly disappointed. "I'm still not sure why you two like it so much."

"My friend," Susie says, putting her hand on his shoulder. "We have greater mysteries to solve."

"What are you, like, Sherlock?" Ralsei asks.

"...who the fuck is Sherlock?" Susie replies.

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