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Susie shoves her fingers into the malleable soil, one by one, scooting upwards as she goes. The hill goes on and on for what seems like miles. After what feels like an hour of climbing, she looks down and sees that she's only a few feet off the ground.

"Susie... uhh, do you need... help?" Ralsei asks, nervously.

"I'm FINE!" Susie shouts, panting. "I'M FINE!"

"...Susie, your fingers are bleeding." Ralsei mutters.

Susie looks at her digits and notices blood eminating from her claws.

"That's just... great." she says, letting go and sliding down the hill. Her legs fall limp and she collapses onto the skywalk, staring at the clouds.

"Where are we, anyways?" Susie asks.

"A telephone company, it looks like." Ralsei responds. "With a really weird concrete room of death."

"When you put it like that, it sounds awesome..." Susie says.

Kris trudges through the slightly dank tunnel, stepping in mud with every step. They look in every direction and see nothing but cobwebs, moss (which they scrape off and munch as a snack), and mold. A spider crawls up the wall, startling them.

Finally, Kris gets close to the end of the tunnel, a large white light which blinds them. They trudge ever closer until standing just a few feet from it... it's a beige brick wall with an absurdly bright bulb above it.

Frustrated, Kris stomps all the way back to Susie and Ralsei.

"KRIS IS COMING!" Susie yells, now standing beside Ralsei, shaking the brains out of him.

"They-.... they are?" Ralsei says, attempting to regroup his gray matter.

"YEAH! LOOK!" she shouts, pointing ecstatically down the tunnel.

"Susie... they don't look very happy..." Ralsei moans as Kris slowly stomps back.

"...ralsei... tunnel." Kris angrily mutters.

"Oh, right! Right! Sorry." Ralsei says, embarassed.

"Kris, Kris... why are you mad?" Susie asks.


The three trudge down the tunnel opposite the wall. Susie stands behind, slowly shoving both of them along the muddy floors. She thinks that they'll move faster this way. She would be right, if Kris didn't fall over in the mud every so often...

Ralsei shouts "STOP!" at Susie. Now stunned, she stops shoving the two.

Ralsei looks at the curved walls of the tunnel.

"Look... look at that. That's like, a bell." Susie says.

"...Hey, that was on the phone too." Ralsei adds.

"...phone company..." Kris says.

"Oh yeah, my grandma has them." Susie says. "They suck."

The three continue trudging through the mud, which is progressively turning to swampy water. Kris steps up onto the curved wall, but slips and falls into the mud. Susie laughs.

The three continue stomping through the tunnel until they eventually encounter the end. This time, however, the clouds and sun shine clearly and bright into the dark, disgusting tunnel. Susie walks ahead.

"Hey, look... it's like..."

Susie looks around. She sees a vast blue set of waves crashing against a beige shore, which blurs into grass and muck. There are a few sheds scattered along the shore, but no homes. It can't be but a quarter mile across.

"An island."

"Why are those tunnels there to begin with?" Ralsei asks.

"It's almost like someone wants us to find our way out."

Ralsei and Susie stomp down the hill, towards one of the various crusty sheds scattered across the island. They finally encounter one, and open the rusted metal door. It creaks and whines as it slowly turns to reveal a lawnmower and a fireaxe. There is a broken powerdrill on the ground and a long spool of coaxial cable.

Susie grabs the fireaxe. "Might need it later."

Ralsei sighs. "Susie, I have to... to break real with you. I have no idea where we are and I don't know if there's a way out."

"Well, there's gotta be." Susie says.

"How did you know?" Ralsei replies.

"Because if there isn't, I guess we're just gonna starve here."

The two stare at each other for a full 30 seconds, with a haunting realization in their eyes.

"Where's Kris?" Susie asks.

"...where... is Kris?" Ralsei asks again.

Susie grips the fireaxe very tightly in her hands. The wood starts to creak.



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