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Flash couldn't get an ounce of sleep, no matter how hard he stared at the ceiling. He tried every trick he could think of to finally drift into it, but it just wouldn't happen.

Finally, he relents and begins the long process of standing up. First sitting up and facing the coffee table in the middle of the room, he begins to shift his weight onto his feet. Completely failing, he loses his balance and falls into the table, barely catching himself on his arms.

Plazma wakes up.

"Can you break some other table?" he asks.


Plazma rolls over, facing the couch cushions.

Flash frowns a little and stands up again. He walks into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before looking out the window. Behind the kitchen sink an ominous orange glow could be seen over the treeline in the yard.

Flash shakes a little, before finally noticing the swaying of the trees. They're almost hitting each other, with how fast they're flying back and forth.

Flash opens the fridge and grabs a gallon jug of water. He turns to the sink and dumps the water into the glass, not paying any attention to the amount pouring over the edge as it overfills. A tree snaps. It is immediately flung into another.

He yelps as a couple of leaves fly past the window.

"Hey, uhh... Plaz?" he shouts into the other room.

Plazma grumbles. "What?"

"It's... Can you, come..."

"Come WHAT?"

"Can you come... look at this?" Flash manages to squeak out as he sees the neighbor's shed sliding through.

"Fucking hell, what is it this time?" Plazma groans, holding his head as he stands up and storms into the kitchen.

"Holy shit-"

Plazma watches in horror as one by one, the entire treeline snaps apart.

Without a word, Plazma grabs his idiot kid brother and drags him to the basement stairs.

"Go. I'll meet you there." he says.

"Oh." Flash says, obviously disturbed.

Within around 20 minutes, all of the Dots that were in town had curled up in the basement.

The wind and the occasional drop of water pour through the basement door, with the VERY unlucky twig tumbling into the door, causing Flash to flinch. Tachy wraps her arms around him.

"You know it's just a storm, right?" she says.

"Heh. No." Flash says, nervously.

"I do hate to interrupt, but... that ain't like any storm I ever seen..." Sonic says.

"You must be blind, then." Plazma says.

"Hey." Tachy grumbles.

Sonic frowns at Plazma, before a bright light flashes down the basement stairs.

"HEY! WHAT THE F-" Plazma shouts, as the cone of light begins to turn.

Down the stairs came Laser, soaked with water, exhausted, and shaking.

"H- hey, guys..." they moan.

Tachy lets go of Flash, stands up, and begins to slowly ascend the stairs. Closing the door, she helps Laser down the stairs (as their boots really are quite slippery...)

Laser immediately curls up under a blanket and drifts off.

"Man, now I wonder if I could go get the damn space heater." Sonic ponders out loud.

"I mean... go ahead, it can't get all that much worse..." Tachyon says.

Immediately, a twig flies into a crack in the basement door, pokey-side in, widening the crack just a little bit.

"THAT WAS ATTEMPTED MURDER." Flash screams at the stick, before breaking it off out of sheer rage. Enough of the twig remained in the door to block out a good deal of water.

"Flash, you... uhh, can't... prosecute nature..." Tachyon chuckles.

"I mean, you can if you try hard enough." Plazma contradicts.

"Guys, you really are a bit loud..." Laser complains.

Sonic stands up and turns on the light. Immediately, it sparks and shuts off. No amount of flipping the light switch on and off seems to help.

"Well, there goes power... How long until it floods, I wonder...?" Plazma says.

"Will you shut up?" Sonic says while throwing their arms to their sides.

"What was that all about, man?" Plazma asks, offended.

"Well, you're always all doom and gloom. Can you for once in your life have an original thought that isn't about how we're all gonna die?"

"Well, I mean.."

"There's no 'but', Plaz... You gotta think positive for once..." Flash says.

"When did I say you could call me 'Plaz'?" Plazma retorts.

"...Yesterday." Flash responds. It's true; Plazma did tell him that - but only to get him to shut up.

Tachyon finally stands up again. "All of you need to just shut the hell up."

"See?" Sonic says. "You made her swear."

"Oh." Plazma and Flash collectively say, squatting back down.

"So what was that, exactly?" Sonic asks her.

"We're not gonna die over that stupid storm outside... those two are gonna kill each other." Tachyon moans.

"And me." Sonic adds.

"Yeah, and you. I was trying to give you some credit, goof..."

Sonic nods. "I think we should just all ignore each other for the time being."

"I wonder what Laser's doing back early anyways. Weren't them and Lightning supposed to be bunking out there in the city or something...?" they ask.

"Oh... that's true." Tachyon says, disturbed.

"Maybe we should call him..."

"As if the landlines are still up." Plazma says. Sonic kicks him square in the face.



Tachyon grabs both of Sonic's arms and pulls them back a few feet.

"There." she says, grabbing a piece of chalk.

She draws a line on the floor.

"You idiots stay on your side of the line." Tachyon says, her face in her palm.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID." Sonic says, squatting.

"YOU KICKED ME IN THE GODDAMN HEAD!" Plazma shouts back, standing up and crossing his arms.

"That's it. No talking over the line." Tachyon retorts.

what even was that?

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