Jams This is your brain on Jams

Kris finally manages to doze off, shrugging off the clickity-clack of the daisy-wheel printer, only to wake up 20 minutes later, feeling just as tired. Repeating this process over and over again yields the same results.

Ralsei and Susie begin hopelessly searching the garbage for possible clues on where they may be, or how they got there. Susie pulls out a large piece of equipment, labelled "TIME MACHINE."

"Woah. Hey." she says, dropping it into the ground, shattering 3 glass panels on impact.

"Uhh... Susie, that's... that's, not a time machine..." Ralsei says.

"I mean, you sure?" she says, looking at the various gauges and knobs on the front of the instrument.

"Yeah, Susie... I'm pretty sure that's an electricity meter..."

"You mean someone would stick Dymo on a fucking electrical box and call it a time machine?"

"I don't know..." Ralsei says, laying on a nice pile of leaves beside the dumpster.

"HEY!" Susie shouts, picking the goatboy back up. "LEAVES!"

"Wh- oh, yeah! Those are leaves." he says, only mildly surprised.

"What the hell- It was literally winter, 5 minutes ago..." she says, exhausted from emptying out the dumpster.

"You're telling me..." Ralsei says.

Kris finally works up the energy to speak.

"Maybe, uhh... we should go find my friends." they say.

"What was that?" the other Toriel asks, shifting her attention to the child.

"My, uhh... friends... can we..." they attempt to repeat.

"Right, so... your friends... where would they be?"

"The," they say, before drifting off. "The telephone... company."

"Right, uhh... which... one?"

"The... the, ringy- bell, one."

"Wha- Oh."

A car pulls into the street outside the telephone company.

"Holy FUCK, it's Kris... AND HIS MOM!" Susie screams, before climbing the fence. Ralsei follows very closely behind her.

Susie charges towards the car, before hitting the ground, going into a full roll, and slamming her face into the side of the station wagon. She stands up, puts a hand over her bloody nose, and climbs into the back of the car. Ralsei climbs in beside her.

"Uhh... these are your friends, right?" the other Toriel asks Kris, nervously.

Kris nods.

"Hey, Toriel... you act like you don't recognize me!" Susie hollers, cackling like mad with only one nostril.

"I... I don't. And, how did you know my name, exactly?"

"You're... You're Kris' mom, right?"

The four of them stare off into space, connecting dots in their minds.

"Oh." Susie says.

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