Jams It's not brutalist, it's Jams

This piece is unrelated to the Bell series.

Undyne stares into the cracked mirror. There's something wrong with her, she feels, but she doesn't know what. She stands there, only moving to blink and breathe, clueless and confused.

Eventually she leans against the sink and looks closer into her reflection. She stares into her own eyes and begins hallucinating. She blinks once more and the visions vanish.

She steps out of the bathroom and into the hallway, then walks to the kitchen. She walks around her cooking area, thoroughly searching every pantry and cabinet for something to cook with.

Eventually she realizes that nothing looks appetizing to her. She grabs a cup of instant ramen from the cabinet, fills it with water, and microwaves it. She sets the microwave for a few minutes and sits down on the living room couch, staring at the ceiling.

The microwave goes off. She stands up and walks back to the kitchen, using tongs to remove the half-melted cup from the microwave. She frowns and carries it into the living room, then sets it on a table. She continues staring at the ceiling, trying to make out shapes and patterns.

She hears footsteps eminate from the hallway, startling her. Out peeks Alphys, worried.

"Are you OK?" she asks. "You haven't... slept, have you?"

Undyne shakes her head no.

"What's wrong?"

Undyne shrugs.

"Can you speak?"

"Yep." Undyne responds.

"...is it hitting you again?" Alphys asks.

"Yeeeep." Undyne responds, laying down on the raggedy couch.

Alphys sits on the loveseat and stares at the smushed-looking cup of ramen on the table, still steaming.

"You're still going to, like... go in today, right?" asks Alphys.

"What do you mean 'today'?" Undyne asks in response.

"It's 4:29 AM..." Alphys replies.

Undyne moans and rolls over, curling up under a blanket.

"I guess you could call out sick. I mean..." Alphys says, trailing off. "I suppose you are sick."

Undyne stands up from under the blanket. "Come on." she says, motioning for Alphys to follow her. The two stand in the hallway.

"Isn't it weird?" Undyne asks.

"What?" Alphys replies.

"Isn't it weird how we can just... see stuff?"

"Sure. I mean, if you think about it, it's all just nerve sign-"

"It's not about the science. It's a miracle."

"I guess you're right."

"And like, isn't it weird that the things we need to stay alive, we just... have?" she says.

"I mean... I guess?" Alphys says, uncertainly.

"I've got to get her to stop listening to trance." Alphys thinks to herself before standing up from the floor.

"Hey, uhh... I think I'll call out, and we'll play video games, or something like that..." Undyne says, before collapsing face-down on the ground, snoring.

Alphys begins the slow and arduous process of attempting to drag her into the bed.

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